Rub your palms vigorously and generate a lot of heat for 1 or more minutes.
This practice stimulates all nerve endings and rejuvenates the organs.
After rubbing, make your palms in a half cupped shape and place it over the throat pit
while rubbing palms it generates electromagnetic energy it has the capacity to refreshes the aura field . When you place it over your throat it activates your throat chakra (vishudhi chakra) and balances the thyroid gland.
Toe practice
Inhale and raise your heels to the maximum
exhale and slowly bring it down
Try to practice this exercise for 20 times
Most complex nerve endings are in the feet area so by doing this practice one can magically recover from almost all diseases.
(try not to practice this exercise if you have arthritis which spreads on your toe areas especially on your big toes)
Leg raising or uttanapadasana
bring your feet together, toes pointing the chest
inhale and slowly raise your both legs all the way to 90 degree stay there for 20 seconds
slowly release the posture with an exhalation
Try to practice for 2 or more rounds
(try to skip the practice if you have intense lower back pain)
Try next method if you can’t raise legs without bending the knees.
Before doing shoulder stand or head stand like postures balancing the pressure is must, so that this practice. It also helps the digestive system to function better and activates the fire chakra too.
Aradha setubandhasana or hip raising
bring your feet together and make it closer as much as you can and feet in shoulder width apart.
Inhale and slowly raise your hip to maximum
try to lock your chin to the chest and stay there and breath normally for sometimes
and slowly release the posture with an exhalation.
Practice 10 times
This practice strengthens the neck area and refreshes the thyroid gland and controls the hormonal functions too
sarvangasana or shoulder stand
(we are not recommending this posture to all. Try to study it from a yoga centre or a good teacher or else skip this practice.)
bring your feet together slowly raise your both legs and hip, by supporting the lower back with hands bring it more up. It automatically locks the chin. Stay there for 16 natural breath and slowly release the posture by placing the hands on the ground.
This practice intensely stimulate the thyroid nerves and restores it natural intelligence to produce enough hormones. It balances vishudhi chakra in a greater way.
Malsyasana or fish posture
place your hands beneath your thighs, palms facing on the floor
slowly raise your head and chest up with an inhalation and bring your crown portion of the head on the floor
stay there for 8 to16 natural breath
then with an inhalation slowly raise your head and chest up look at on your toes and then slowly release the posture
It is a magical posture in yoga it can cure all most all diseases. It restores the functions of thyroid gland.
Ushtrasana or camel posture
slowly stand on your knees by keeping the thighs perpendicular to the floor, knees in shoulder width gap. Try to bend back and catch hold your ankles and drop your head down
breath 5 times naturally and exhale and release the posture.
This squeezes whole spine area and releases lot of prana to the body. This posture is capable to stimulate thyroid nerves and controls thyroid diseases