15 Yoga Poses That Can Change Your Body

Yoga Postures
15 Yoga Poses That Can Change Your Body

Yoga has been known for centuries and research has proven that a regular yoga practice can significantly improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health, include flexibility, fitness, balance, muscular strength, and spinal mobility.
We care about your health and we’ve chosen a few basic but highly effective poses that will work incredibly well for everyone, from a beginner to an expert.

1. Downward facing dog
This pose is working, stretching, and strengthening the entire body and it’s one of the main poses in most types of yoga.
Get on all fours.

2. Plank
While this is one of the best exercises to strengthen your core, it actually works your whole body. The trick is control your breath and this really helps.

3. Upward plank pose
This is a very good pose for stretching your upper body, as well as, increasing the strength of your arms, legs, and core, and improving balance

4. Extended side angle pose
This pose is designed to work on the sides of waist and strengthen the legs, stretch the hips, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest, and spine. It also opens up the lungs, improves digestion, and helps relieve stress.

5. Tree
If you are a new to the world of yoga, practicing this pose is a good place to start. It will improve your balance and teach you how to breathe. It also strengthens and tones the leg muscles, ankles, and inner thighs.

6. Warrior 1
This pose is also one of the main poses in many yoga practices. It’s essential for improving the strength of the core and the entire lower body, it’s also great for stretching hips and thighs.

7. Warrior 2
Another highly important pose, this stretches the hips and inner thighs and works very well on improving balance. It may help to improve digestion and also relieve backaches.

8. Seated forward bend
This pose is very good for stretching the lower and upper back and hamstrings, it opens the entire body, teaches you to breathe while in an uncomfortable position, helps with headaches and anxiety, and reduces fatigue.

9. Bridge pose
Another important pose for beginners, this works on stretching the front of the body and strengthens the back of the body. It also improves blood circulation and digestion, helps relieve stress, and opens the lungs and thyroid gland.

10. Child’s pose
This is the best resting pose for stress or tension relief, it’s also very good for digestion.

11. Cobra pose
This is the great pose for straightening your back and opening your chest and shoulders. It also decreases stiffness of the lower back.

12. Bow Pose
This pose stretches the entire front of the body, strengthens the whole back, and improves posture and spinal flexibility.

13. Boat pose
This pose helps with stress relief, improves digestion, stimulates the kidneys, thyroid, and intestines, and strengthens thighs and the lower back.

14. Fish pose
This pose strengthens the hamstrings and lower back, and opens the hips and rib cage.

15. Wind relieving pose
This pose helps to release toxic gas from your system.

Source: https://brightside.me/inspiration-health/15-yoga-poses-that-can-change-your-body-516810/

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