PNF In Yoga Poses | Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

Yoga Postures
PNF is one of the most valuable tools for yoga practitioners (and teachers) to quickly build strength and flexibility. The best part of PNF is how user friendly it is. Without understanding why it works, you can quickly feel it work!

This is how you can quickly apply PNF to yoga:

1. Move into your asana, 80% of your total range. Basically, you stop when you feel resistance in the tissue.

2. Next, inhale, and contract the full body (except the face) for 5 seconds.

3. Then, exhale, and relax the body into a new end range for 10 seconds.

4. Repeat for 5 breaths.*For flexible yogis, focus on muscle contraction (strength) rather than deep stretching. *For stiff yogis, focus on relation of the targeted muscle. You may need to stay in stiff poses for 10 breaths🙃
Tag a friend that needs some PNF in their life!

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@Adarsh Williams

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