108 Online Tips & Tricks


Hi yogis, we’re glad you could join us for our inaugural Wanderlust 108 Online experience. Our main goal is to make it possible for everyone to participate in Wanderlust 108 Brooklyn (after all, we’ve gone from twenty 108s in 2019 to only one in 2021 … thanks a lot, Covid).  However, this portal also is a great opportunity to extend the 108 experience beyond the day’s live stream. We’ve created a multi-week journey (a tune-up) by curating content from our teachers, partners, teachers on Wanderlust TV.  We hope you enjoy.

The Basics

  • When you first sign on, you may see a red button asking you to Sign Up. Right below that button will be text to Sign In. Please sign in using your email address and the password provided to you in your welcome email from Wanderlust 108 Brooklyn.  If you don’t see that email, look in your promotions folder. If you still can’t find it, please email us to let us know.  If you’re already a Wanderlust TV subscriber, or have ever used Wanderlust TV before, please login with your existing Wanderlust TV credentials (the password we emailed you won’t work for existing subscribers).
  • The big video player at the top always will offer the most recent classes. Simply click on the tiles below the player to start playing your chosen video.  You can also click on PAST WEEKS on the top nav to jump down to past weeks’ videos you may have missed.  As we release new content, we’ll place that in the main player, and will move existing content down to the PAST WEEKS section.
  • The main video player also offers a pop-out chat window.  You can comment, connect with other attendees, and ask us questions using this chat functionality.  Please keep it friendly.
  • We’ll refresh the content in the portal every week until the event starts on September 12, adding roughly 4 new classes per week. You can take the weekly classes in any order, but we hope you’ll keep up with your tune-up.
  • The News section will be updated from time to time with info on the content we’re releasing, event updates, and other relevant information.
  • You can follow along with our Instagram in the Get Social section. Please use the hash #Wanderlust108 or #108Brooklyn if you make any posts about the event — it’ll show up in the feed.

If you have any questions at all, or experience any issues, drop us a line in the chat or simply email us. We’re here to help.

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