The Best Baby Stretches – 1 Minute Yoga For Babies | Channel Mum

Yoga Postures
If you’ve ever worried that your baby has been in their car seat for too long, or you simply want to stretch their muscles and promote tummy time and balance, then yoga is a wonderful way to move their little bodies.

If you have just a minute or two up your sleeve, then you’ll be able to do Gayle Berry’s wonderful routines with your baby. In this official video, Mums Lucy Roberts and SJ Strum have given it a go, too, so you can see how yoga works with their babies! Watch the video to get some inspo on how to stretch your baby, promote tummy time and help them with their balance.

Would you love to inject more yoga into your life? Then check out our Channel Mum Yoga Course, where yoga instructors will be sharing everything from yoga to help you sleep to yoga to soothe you during pregnancy:

Will you try this with your baby? Do you think they’ll love this yoga routine? Share your thoughts in our Channel Mum Chat:

Disclaimer: Not all exercises are suitable for every baby. At any point, if you see that your baby is experiencing any physical discomfort or is crying, you should stop immediately. Consult with your healthcare provider before starting any exercises. By participating in these videos, you are assuming all risks of injury that might result. Gayle Berry, Channel Mum and all subsidiaries and affiliates are not responsible for any injuries that result from participating in the exercises shown.

Taking part in this video:
Gayle Berry
Lucy Roberts:
SJ Strum:

Production music:

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