Crow Pose / Bakasana Benefits #yoga #yogaposes #soulfulyoga #mobility #yogainspiration #flexibility

Yoga For Beginners
Crow pose, also known as Bakasana in Sanskrit, is an intermediate yoga pose that involves balancing on your hands while resting your knees on your upper arms.

How to do crow pose:

Squat on the floor with your feet and knees apart.

Place your palms flat on the floor in front of you.

Bend your arms slightly at the elbows.

Raise your hips so that your body tilts forward.

Let your knees rest on the backs of your upper arms.

Shift your weight to your arms.

Raise your feet one by one until you are supported entirely by your arms.

Tips to practice:

Beginners can use a cushion nearby.
You can practice breathing in through your nose and exhaling with a slight constriction in your throat. Keep your gaze forward

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