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3:30 Neck Up-Down
4:17 Side Elbow Dips
4:48 Cross Arm Lateral Stretch
5:51 Bound Arm Forward Bend
6:37 Cat Cow
6:58 Vyaghrasana Variation
9:21 Adho Mukha Svanasana
9:54 Uttanasana
10:33 Parsvottanasana
12:49 Warrior 3
15:08 Utthita Hasta Padangustasana ABD
23:42 Warrior 3 To Utthita D
26:24 Uttanasana
29:42 Dandasana+Arms Extended
30:53 Dandasana Twist
32:40 Dandasana Leg Raise
34:59 Paschimottanasana
37:52 Krounchasana
40:51 Navasana+Variation
42:48 Purvottanasana
44:25 Supta Padangusthasana
48:14 Pawanmuktasana
48:42 Yastikasana
49:06 Savasana
52:20 Subscribe and show some love
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