Lower Back Pain Sequence – 8 Helpful Yoga Postures

Yoga Postures
Please know these 8 poses for low back pain are simply general yoga postures that I find help to alleviate tension around my tailbone and SI joint area. This class will hopefully help with “general soreness”.

Please understand this is NOT a prescription, and if you have serious back pain then you should see your doctor…

Now, beyond the disclaimer… I’d like to share with you my thoughts behind why I chose these specific postures…

The first five asanas…(full body breath, sun salutations, camel, rabbit and cat/cows) are meant to get things loose and awake… I think It’s ridiculous to just say “this one pose will help this one thing” and then only do that “one pose”…

Our bodies are interconnected, so this is why I chose so many postures towards the beginning of the series to really get things warmed up and loose.

The two postures towards the end… (cow face and eagle) are chosen for a VERY specific reason… Dr. Loren Fishman in his book “Healing Yoga” sites these two poses as ones that will help with pain around the SI joint area… Please, I urge you to pick up his book if this is something of interest to you.

Lastly is shavasana because after a full yoga practice, well… we always do shavasana…

The topic of “Lower Back Pain” is a very sensitive topic and I know every person’s body is different. These are simply the yoga postures I MYSELF enjoy doing to help with general soreness around my tailbone and SI joint area.

I hope you find this flow of value

Thank you for watching and I would enjoy your feedback.

Thank you to Lauren for sending me your video…

***If you would like your own custom class then please connect with me on Instagram***


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