4 Yoga Poses to Keep you Grounded

Yoga Postures
On an energetic level, our sense of grounding comes from the root chakra (muladhara), also known as the base chakra. When this energy centre is flowing freely we feel connected, secure and grounded. So adding a few yoga postures that work this chakra to your practice can reap the awesome benefits.

1. EASY POSE – Sukhasana
Easy pose is a comfortable seated position for meditation. It amplifies the state of serenity, tranquility, and eliminates anxiety. This pose opens the hips, lengthens the spine and promotes groundedness and inner calm.

2. GARLAND POSE – Malasana
Garland has a grounding quality, it taps into a downward-flowing energy known in yoga as apana vayu—and is a good pose to practice whenever you need to bring on calm. Squatting is one of the most effective ways to tone the entire lower body. It opens your hips and groin and stretches your ankles, lower hamstrings, back and neck.

3. PIGEON POSE – Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
Pigeon is about unlocking our deepest fears, traumas and anxieties. It’s a pose that releases the pressures put on our lower two chakras. It’s our grounding potential: our needs for survival, intimacy, trust and stability reside here.

4. CORPSE POSE – Savasana
Is an excellent root chakra yoga pose because your whole body is in contact with the ground. Whenever you can, practice this pose outside, lying on the grass where your body can absorb the bioenergy of the Earth.


The yoga mat used in this video is from EcoYoga Canada – The Original ecoYoga Mat. Now available in Canada. Earth-conscious mats made from sustainably grown 100% natural rubber and jute. Ultra-grip & traction. https://www.ecoyogacanada.com/


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10 Yoga Poses for Stress – https://youtu.be/UTMaj340b2M
6 Yoga Poses for Anxiety – https://youtu.be/Ehvu3xK1kW0
5 Yoga Poses for Depression – https://youtu.be/al9rbIWRj38
6 Yoga Poses for Insomnia – https://youtu.be/KCab4fE9nhQ
5 Yoga Poses to Reduce Headaches – https://youtu.be/CsXYDn55slQ
8 Yoga Poses for Relaxation – https://youtu.be/I-vGV5B1UFE

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