#lowerbackstretches #exercisesforbeginners #WithMe
Website: https://www.pelvicexercises.com.au
These lower back exercises include static stretches and mobility exercises for improving lower back flexibility. These stretches are performed lying down on a firm surface. This beginners stretching routine commences with lumbar rotations and pelvic tilts for mobility warm up.
The exercise routine then progresses through the following stretches for the lower back and surrounding muscles:
* knee to chest hugs
* hamstring stretches
* bridging exercises
* piriformis (buttock) stretches
* single leg lower back rotation
* lumbar extension exercises
* hip flexor stretch
* child’s pose
* deep breathing exercises and relaxation
Stretching exercises are recommended for healthy individuals 2-3 days/week (minimum). Static stretches should each be maintained for 10-30 seconds (1).
1. ACSM (1998) American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand. The recommended quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardio respiratory and muscular fitness, and flexibility in healthy adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1998; 30: 975–991
Music: Aiden Kenway https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEeJxhzyKSTllNNBMlRaHHQ
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