30 Min Yoga for Relaxation – Hatha Yoga Stretches for All Levels – Relaxing Yoga Class

Yoga For Relaxation
💥 7 FREE FULL-LENGTH YOGA CLASSES: http://bit.ly/7FullYogaClasses 💥 This is a 30 minute yoga class for relaxation designed to relieve muscle tension in the areas where we hold stress and bring us into deep relaxation. //EXPAND FOR MORE INFO//

Hi! I’m Christina, and welcome to my yoga YouTube channel, ChriskaYoga! In today’s video, we’ll be doing a 30 minute yoga routine for relaxation. It will relax your muscles, stretch your body, and help you to feel more relaxed and more at ease. You may need a yoga block (sub with a thick book) and a yoga blanket (sub with a thick towel or blanket) to help you during this yoga routine.

Begin by sitting on your yoga block in hero pose (virasana) and come into several rounds of alternate nostril breathing (nadi shodana). We will then take some neck and shoulder stretches before coming into a child’s pose (balasana). After this, we’ll take a brief downward facing dog pose (adho mukha svanasana) and stretch our hips in low lunge (lizard pose). This will take us into gate pose, and we’ll complete this on both sides. Next, we’ll take another downward dog, come into a standing forward fold (uttanasana), a wide legged forward bend (prasarita padottonasana), and then come to sitting on the floor.

Once we’re sitting, we will stretch our legs out in front of us and fold forward (dandasana), take a twist on both sides (marichyasana c), bound angle pose (baddha konasana), and a wide legged forward bend (upavista konasana). After this, we will come to laying on our backs, hug knees in towards the chest (apanasana) and take a supine twist on both sides. To end the class, we will take a savasana with a rolled blanket under the knees (optional).

➡️ Alternate Nostril Breathing: https://youtu.be/Noq_N0-Jbbw

✔️ Don’t forget to subscribe for more yoga classes every Monday & Wednesday! ✔️

✔️ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/chriskayogasub ✔️
☮️ Website: http://chriskayoga.com

☮️ Equipment I use:
➡️ Yoga Mat: http://amzn.to/2iEtO39
➡️ Camera: http://amzn.to/2igFY1p
➡️ Lens: http://amzn.to/2jEmybT
➡️ Sound Recorder: http://amzn.to/2lPXsXe
➡️ Lavalier Mic: http://amzn.to/2l8gSIi
➡️ Secondary Camera: http://amzn.to/2kEd1yi

☮️ Beginners Classes: http://bit.ly/chriskayogabeginners

☮️ Follow Me
➡️ https://www.facebook.com/chriskayoga
➡️ https://www.instagram.com/chriskayoga/
➡️ https://www.pinterest.com/chriskayoga/
➡️ https://twitter.com/chriskayoga

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