Yoga for beginners. Yoga 50+. Yoga UK. Introduction to Yoga – 30 minutes

Yoga For Beginners
This yoga practice is for women & men of all ages, sizes and abilities. It is a heartfelt practice from my kitchen ‘studio’, complete with dogs in the background. Real yoga for real people.A home practice to help you mature with good health & grace. No worries about wobbling or looking perfect just enjoying a true yoga practice lead by your ujjayi breath.

This 30 minute session is suitable for all ages, abilities & sizes and includes cross-legged sitting (& how to make yourself more comfortable), side stretching & circling, cat pose, tiger pose, downward dog, mountain pose, tree balance, crocodile pose, sphinx pose, seal pose, lying spinal twists and a final relaxation in savasana.
I hope you enjoy and it encourages you in your home practice.
Om shanti x

Although I am an experienced yoga teacher I am a beginner when it comes to making & uploading videos, so please forgive the lack of polish!
If you like my style of yoga teaching please visit my website for more information on my local classes, Workshops and Retreats at

Carol Maguire Yoga/Cotswold Yoga assumes no responsibility for injuries suffered while practising these techniques.

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