Quick & Deep Stretch Relaxation Yoga Class – Five Parks Yoga

Yoga For Relaxation
This 20-minute yoga class gives you a chance to breathe and relax. This class begins in a supported fish posture accompanied by deep breathing. The first stretch of the class is a modified dancer pose on your side, on the floor. This is a great stretch for your quadriceps, hip flexors and the front of your body. Continue to stretch the front side of your body with supported bridge, cobra and sphinx. After a deep shoulder stretch, you will move toward extended child’s with reverse prayer. Additional hip stretches include reclined pigeon and knees to chest pose. Enjoy a reclined twist before a relaxing Savasana. Please stay Safe, Wash Your Mat and let us know what you think about this class in the comments below!

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Yoga Instructor: Erin Sampson
Location: Arvada, Colorado

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Produced by Tamarindo Films: http://tamarindofilms.com/

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