Foundation yoga postures to master

Yoga Postures
If you have confusions about alignment or haven’t tried yoga before, here are some of the most important foundation postures to master to help you progress properly in your practice.
Here is the list of postures and where they appear in the video.
Pose 1: warrior 1
Pose 2: warrior 2 at time 2.23
Pose 3: high lunge at time 3.52
Pose 4: chair pose at time 4.40
Pose 5: downward facing at time dog 7.06
Pose 6: upward facing dog at time 12.41
Pose 7: cobra and sphinx at time 13.50
Pose 8: triangle at time 15.18
Pose 9: standing forward fold time at 18.22
Pose 10: seated forward fold time at 23.47
Pose 11: plank and chaturanga time at 26.15

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