Yoga for Men

Yoga For Men
New Men’s Classes starting SOON!

Yoga Local is a yoga studio and wellness business based in Wellingborough that does two things:

Gets to work on improving your health, life and success through the tools of yoga and Ayurveda (mindful movement, conscious living and no-nonsense nutrition).

Provides an online and a bricks and mortar home (Unit 5 Studio) for those seeking to grow their ability to thrive in health, life and business.

If you are serious about taking your life and wellbeing to the next level call me, Josie Steedman, owner and founder of Yoga Local, on 07515 356230 and get started today. If not now, when?

Well hello. Big thanks for coming to check me out. So… Who am I? Big soul question. Ok. It really just comes down to this. I’m Josie, I’m a journalist (hack, writer, messenger – take your pick) and now also a wellness seeker with a mission to help you redefine the way you think about your health, live life, take care of yourself, the people you love, where you live, the world – each and every day. I studied Ayurveda and Yoga in California with Deepak Chopra and qualified as a Chopra certified instructor and wellbeing educator in 2016. I’ve been through some big changes

But what’s most exciting is my story is not over and somehow I’m here, talking to you and ready to share some amazing material, classes and connections that in my heart I believe can help bring you any change you seek.

If you feel inspired to find out what yoga and the practices of yoga can do to to add value to your life and bring health, wellness and happiness into your world I invite you to get connected, and become part of a Yoga Local tribe. Dive in. Get access to weekly tips, support and community – right here FREE online. Or, come and check out a Yoga Local class or course.

Join me. Life’s about to get really interesting.

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